The Girls Club - April 2023
The Girls Club is a social club for young professional and entrepreneurial women in large metro areas. We believe healthy friendships catalyze personal and professional growth, and we create spaces for such friendships to form.
For more information, visit and follow @thegirlsclub_co on Instagram!
Break Into Consulting - June 2020
Break Into Consulting is a virtual social network (via Slack) of university students recruiting to break into the consulting industry. Students have access to various channels that provide peer to peer mock case interviews, CV support, and firm-specific resources. This online community is joined by 1,500+ students.
"I Appreciate" - March 2019
A silver lining I value in times of uneasiness is the opportunity to learn - about myself, the world, and everyone in it. Particularly during COVID19's quarantine, I was humbled to learn that I had been taking many things for granted - some of these included professors, groceries, and siblings.
In the joy of re-welcoming parts of life that were previously buried under busyness and privilege, I was encouraged to hear and share what others were newly appreciating as well. As a result, a good friend and I collected responses from 200+ people and created a word cloud (see image) where the size of the word represents the frequency the word was mentioned. It was inspiring to notice that most of the responses were seemingly small and simple things - Rest, Family, and Sunshine were the three most mentioned words.
The vision behind this word art was to inspire others, too, to find something they're newly appreciating, recognize the value of it, and come out of quarantine as a better person because of it.
And of course, a big thank you to all those who contributed by sharing a word, to for their creative platform, and to Esther for being an enthusiastic collaborating partner.